Tuesday, December 29, 2015

December Goal Review

December was a wonderful, crazy month. I was able to pack a lot of Christmas joy and excitement into this month. My goals were always on my mind and I think I did a great job trying to complete them all.

Here are my December goals:
Workout 3x a week//completed
 I ended up workout 11 total days. The goal was 15 total days.

Take a photo a day//completed
This is one of my favorite goals each month. I love seeing the collage at the end of the month. It’s a nice way to remember each month. (Check back on January 1st to see the collage!)

Read two books// not completed
I have been struggling the past few months to find books I enjoy and I am excited to read. I rarely buy books; I use the public library to check out new books but since most of the books I want to read are usually the new ones, the wait for these books is long, which makes it hard for me to read something that looks good and current.  I hope for the new year I can set a year goal of the number of books I want to read.

Experience as many Christmas Activities and moments I can//completed
This was such a fun goal to complete. I was able to experience over 15 holiday experiences. They include the annual Santa Breakfast, Taking our Christmas card photos, Decorating the Christmas Tree with Eric, Baking lots of cookies, Drove around seeing Christmas lights and watching Christmas movies.  I have really embraced the Christmas spirit this year. Since I was so sick last year, it was really important for me to have a Christmas filled with special activities.

December was a lot of fun. Lots of family, fun and food. I am very excited to see what 2016 has in store for me. Stay tuned in the beginning of January I will be revealing my Year goals and also my goals for January.

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