Sunday, April 24, 2016

Life Lately

This is so true!
Hi all! I know I have been quite silent on the blog for the past couple of weeks. First of all, I wanted to let all my readers know I love that all of you take time out of your day to read my blog, you have no idea how much that means to me.

I have been dealing with a lot of health issues the past couple of months (actually years but in more recent months, its gotten worse) and its been A LOT keeping up with work and just living my life. With that being said, some things have been neglected especially this blog. I don't have the energy at the end of the day to write. It's sad that it has come to this but I need to take care of my health first and everything else comes next that.

I've decided I need to take a break from blogging and Everyday Jersey Girl. I am hopeful when my health returns back to normal, I will be back to writing again.  I just ask my readers to send good vibes, love and prayers. I would really appreciate that!

I can't wait to write again when I am feeling better!

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Boys Make Passes at Girls in Glasses

I have recently gone back to wearing glasses. I was having some problems with my eyes and I figured this was a great time to give my eyes a break from my contacts. I picked out some new frames- the glasses I was wearing mostly at night, I've had those for over 4 years! I was really excited to pick out my new glasses and it got me thinking- I've been wearing glasses since I was 4 years old ( 24 years!!!) and I remember how excited I used to get when I got to pick out new glasses.
I found some old photos of me in glasses over the years. My taste in glasses has certainly changed over the years and I  laugh at some of my choices I made.

 ((( Are you loving my fanny pack and humongous bow in my hair? and yes my hair was blondish brown back in college))

 As you can see, I went from many different styles and sometimes colors. I never really loved glasses growing up but I knew I had to have them to see. As I have gotten older, I have truly appreciated glasses for less of something I had to wear and more for a fashion accessory.

I spent almost a year trying to find the perfect pair of glasses . Here are two of the runners up.
I liked both of these, but I wasn't in LOVE with them. I loved the color in the top pair but I wasn't sold yet.The bottom pair, I liked the shape but I thought were too dark and a little too big for me.

I finally found the perfect pair that fit me perfectly in the perfect color. I wanted to get away from the solid black frames and go more towards tortoise shell blend. I am so happy to finally find something I feel that is grown up and fashionable.

 These are Kate Spade and I just loved the surprise details in these glasses. From the teal on the inside on the arms; the fun colored case and the quote "boys make passes at girls in glasses" hidden on the inside of the arm, makes this such a fun pair!

An even more exciting I found a pair of sunglasses that I liked (actually LOVED) and wanted to wear. Since my prescription is so high and I tend to like BIGGER sunglasses, it was a challenge to find something that would not show the frames out of the sides- BUT i found the perfect pair for me.

These are Tiffany's sunglasses- the arms are the signature Tiffany blue and  on the side there is a key. Such small details but they make all the difference.  Even the box was a signature Tiffany's box which made them even more special!

I felt instantly comfortable in these and I saw myself wearing these ALOT! Feeling comfortable when you wear something makes all the difference. It doesn't matter if its clothing, shoes, accessories- if you are not comfortable in it, don't wear it . These glasses don't remind me of when I was a kid, I am actually excited to wear these glasses.

So my journey to find new glasses (and sunglasses) was successful and I hope I won't have to go looking for new glasses for a while!

Do you wear glasses?

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Wellth: The New Life Currency

Jason Wachob defines Wellth as a new and more valuable life currency. “A wellthy existence is one in which happiness is attainable, health is paramount and daily living is about abundance. It’s a life in which work is purposeful; friendships are deep and plentiful and there's a daily sense of richness or overflowing.” (pg.30)

Living a well rounded life has always been a priority with everyone's but how do you exactly live a well rounded life and what should be included in it? Jason thinks a well rounded life should be filled with the following: Eat, Move, Work, Believe, Explore, Breath, Feel, Love, Heal, Thank, Ground, Live and Laugh- each one of these have a chapter dedicated to the title. There is anecdotes from Wachob, insight from professionals and scientist and then at the end of each chapter- there are two mini sections- Grow your Life savings and a quick deposit into your wellth account. These summarize the chapter, gives you something to think about and how to incorporate the principle into your own life. 

Throughout each chapter , there are quotes from famous people about life and living. These reinforce what is being talked about in the chapters. Some of these quotes are funny, some are serious but they all are in this book because they are inspiring. Some of my favorite quotes are :
  - "Sometimes good things fall apart, so better things can fall together." Marilyn Monroe
            -"Courage is not something that you already have, that makes you brave when tough times start. Courage is what you earn when you've been through the tough times and you discover they are not so tough, after all" Malcolm Gladwell, David and Goliath
           -"This is what I believe to be true.... You have to do everything you can. You have to work your hardest. if you stay positive, you have a shot at a silver lining" Pat Solatano in Silver Linings Playbook
           - "You never know what worse luck your bad luck has saved you from" Cormac McCarthy, No Country For Old Men
- "Does this spark joy? If it does, keep it. If not, dispose of it." Marie Kondo, The Life Changing Magic of Tiding Up
            - "It was possible that a miracle was not something that happened to you, but rather something that didn't" Jodi Picoult, The Tenth Circle
- "There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle" Albert Einstein

I really enjoyed this book- for so many reasons but mostly because I feel like I needed to read this at this very moment. As the inspirational author SQuire Rushnell calls “Godwinks”. He goes on to explain that Godwinks are little reminders that there's a lights at the end of the tunnel and that someone is watching and that you are on the right track. (p.72)

If you are looking for an inspirational, yet light-hearted read, this is the perfect book for you. I think this book is brilliantly written as to that you do not have to read the chapters in order- If you feel like you need to focus on Breathe, read that chapter. It’s a nice way to gain information but not read a whole book.  This has inspired me to be more Wellthy!
 Get your own copy of Wellth here.

I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review and all the thoughts expressed are my own. 

Sunday, April 3, 2016

What I'm up to

Happy Sunday, y'all. 

I haven't done one of these in a long time.

For some reason, this photo is making me laugh out loud this week.
Making: banana bread  
Drinking:  lemonade
Reading:  Career of Evil by Robert Galbraith
Wanting: warm spring days
Looking: forward to wearing my spring dresses
Playing: two dots
Wasting: time
Wishing: that is won't snow today
Enjoying: my new organized closet
Waiting: for Nestor's wedding
Liking:  all of the flowers blooming
Wondering: about the future
Loving:  life
Hoping: for a quick week
Marveling: at the new blooms popping up in the garden
Needing:  sunshine
Smelling: morning chill essential oils
Wearing:  spring colors
Noticing:  how messy my desk gets in just one day
Knowing: how many steps I take in a day is pretty neat!
Thinking: about future blog posts
Bookmarking:  yoga workouts and spring fashion

  Opening: my eyes
Giggling: at the world
Feeling: amazing

How are you currently feeling?

Friday, April 1, 2016

April Goals brings....

Happy April! April, you came at just the perfect time and I am so excited to see what adventures await me this month!

Here are my goals for the month:

What are you trying to accomplish this month?