Friday, October 4, 2013

I try so darn hard.......

I try so hard, each and every day to write a blog post, because I know even though, I dont have a lot of traffic on my blog, there might just be that ONE person interested right now on whats going on in my life. But alas, something prevents me from sitting down and writing my day to day antics out. I am partially upset with myself and partially upset with the fact, I have been so darn tired every day after work. '

I started the blog, originally because I read/skim through a bunch of blogs daily, and I admire what they are doing. They make everything look so effortless and easy. I want to imitate what they are doing (everyone knows that imitation is the most sincere form of flattery) but I want to put my own twists and spins on things. I want to show off my cute outfits to more people other than my Instagram followers and my co-workers (which I really don't think they enjoy that much!) and I always felt that a blogging community would be the best place but at the end of day, I'm tired and cranky (somedays) and blogging is the last thing on my mind.

Its a new month, October, and I will try my hardest, to blog more and not be so worried about who and if anyone is actually reading this.

Off to find a quote to be describe the bride aka my biff aka my best friend. EEK!

XX, the everyday jersey girl.

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