Monday, November 9, 2015

Unexpected Lessons Learned

Having surgery is hard. Having emergency surgery is even harder and sometimes the recovery takes longer than expected. I had an emergency appendectomy 1 year ago today. My life has changed for the better. Even though recovery was hard, I am glad that I went through it . It showed me how strong I really am.

This kept me going.

Being stronger mentally and physically// 
 From my appendix bursting to the recovery process, it was a long crazy road. Nothing healed as the doctor said it would, every complication happened and you know what? It made me stronger, I fought to feel better and to live a normal life again. Physically I had lost an enormous amount of weight and the sheer state of my physical being was not good. I wanted to be stronger right then and there and yet it took a long time for me to feel stronger and more like myself.

Appreciating the small things (even more)//
I have always been taught to appreciate the small things in life and I truly think that if you can appreciate the small things you have a better appreciation of the larger things in your life. After my surgery, I was a mess. Out of everything I used to do, all I really wanted to do was to attend the Santa Breakfast at the local firehouse and go back to work. ( I was out of work for a month!) Those two things were my motivation to get better and to do those two things. In the end, I was able to go to the Santa Breakfast and go back to work. I was the absolute happiest person going back to work and attending the breakfast.

Not sweating the small stuff//
I used to be a worrier. I worried about everything and anything. Silly things, serious things, it didn't matter what it was, I worried about it . I would get so upset for really no reason. After everything that has happened, I have learned how to let things roll off my back. Being sick is hard enough without worrying about everything. 

Not planing each and every moment//
 It is no lie that I am a planner by nature. In the past I would plan my days from the time I wake up until the time I went to bed. It was too much. Being sick puts you on a different type of schedule- doctor's appointments, medicine schedule. After I started to feel better, I decided to just enjoy life and let it happen.

And lastly...

Listening to your body///
This is the most important, I should have listened to my body more and saw something was amiss. I ignored the symptoms and it didn't turn out too great. You know your body the best, if something is wrong, go to the doctor and tell them your concerns. Respect your body, it makes all the difference.

Life is funny sometimes. You are on one road going fine and then BAM!  One thing happened and you're path is completely changed. I'm thankful for this detour because it helped show me how strong I really am and how I can persevere through the tough times.

If you are going through a rough patch,  please don't lose hope. You CAN get through this,  you WILL be okay and things will get BETTER.

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