Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Project Organzation with Lindsey Jane

Lindsey from Organized by Lindsey is stopping by today to help me sort out my messy closet. Just the other day, there was an avalanche of shoes- I realized I needed to clean out my closet. Spring is the perfect time to get organized. Check out Lindsey's tips and comment below with your favorite organizational tips.

Step One (Where Ya Headed?):

Before you start to clean your closet, decide what you're going to do with the things you no longer wear. You have a few options at this point! You can donate your unwanted clothes to places such as Goodwill or a local thrift shop. For items that are in good condition and of higher value, I love selling them at consignment shops and making some money back! Of course you could also give things to friends and family, sell on eBay or Craigslist, and there always the trash can for those really old and worn out items!

Step Two (Decisions, Decisions!):

As you go through your closet, as yourself these three questions:

Do I love it?

Is it flattering?

Have I worn it in the past 12 months?

If you answered "yes" you all three questions, keep the item! If you didn't, it's time to decide where that item is going -- refer back to step one! It can be hard to let go of items you once loved, but doing so will give you more space in your closet (and a good reason to go out and buy a few new pieces for the Spring!).

Step Three (Let's Get Organized!):

Now comes the fun part! I have a few suggestions for making your closet, no matter how big or small, organized so that you can find your clothes quickly!

First, go ahead and ditch those plastic hangers and switch to velvet! Not only will they hold your clothes better, they take up less space! Having all of your clothes on the same color and type of hanger also makes your closet look pretty-- and who doesn't want a pretty closet?!

Next, it's time to section your clothes out. I like to organize my clothes by type and color. For example, I put all of my short sleeve shirts together and then place similar colors together.

When it comes to smaller items, get creative! Pinterest has some wonderful ideas for organizing items like shoes, tank tops, scarves, jewelry, etc.

Step Four (Enjoy!):

Now that your closet is pretty and functional, enjoy it!

Thanks for having me as a guest today, Gabrielle! I'd love it if you'd follow me on Instagram @bylindseyjane for more organizing inspiration and a peek into my life adventures!

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