Friday, July 31, 2015

Saying Goodbye to July and Old Fashion Handwriting

I cannot believe it’s going to be August tomorrow! Where did July go? Where is this year going?? My July went by in a blink of an eye- I swear it was the 4th of July last week! It doesn't help that I spent almost 2 weeks in the hospital!! (More on that later) I always like to start my month out with a list of "goals" that I would like to accomplish that month. I was so busy, I didn't even have time to make one for July- EEK! That is the one thing I would like to accomplish tonight- a Goal list for August.

I know I've heard in the news for the past year or so, that handwriting- cursive, script- won't be taught in schools anymore. It absolutely boggles my mind that children won't have any idea how to sign their names. I know my handwriting is something to be desired most days but at least I know how to sign my name properly. As I've grown up, my print and cursive have combined into this print cursive hybrid but geeze! This article really got me thinking... Will the younger generations know how to sign their names? 
This was an interesting article I read; I am such a big supporter of handwriting. I usually hand write everything and then type it out if i need to. I always feel that actually writing things down or working things out the “old way” on paper with a pen or pencil always feels more organic I helps me retain the knowledge and helps me retain more information.. Does any one else feel this way?

Since we are on the subject of handwriting, I am on the hunt for a new planner. I decided earlier in the year that i was only going to use a little pocket calender. That has been working fine for me.  I also have a notebook that serves as a catchall for notes/ideas/messages/doodles. I am toying around with the idea of a all in one planner but i have such reservations. I am so picky with my planner and what I would like in it. I don't need meal planning pages and cleaning schedules. I would like just a large calender, an area to write notes and it to be portable.I know it sounds simple but its so hard to find.

As I am trying to get back into blogging, I made a plan first using paper and pen to actually plan and layout what I want this to be. I thought it was interesting that Emily Ley  posted on Instagram her process for the Simplified Planner planning and it started with white oak tag and sharpies. She laid everything out on paper before she dove into the computer/ technology pool. I wonder if there is a certain personality trait or if its just a learned habit to start the "old fashion way" first.

I hope to post more regularly in the coming weeks. My life has gotten pretty crazy in the past few months and I hope this blog will keep me accountable and able to keep some normalcy in my life.

Stay tuned for more updates!

Look up to the night sky to see the Blue Moon then indulge in a Blue Moon to celebrate (( Only if you are of legal drinking age!!))

xx, Gabrielle
  ((all photos in this post are my own))

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Beginning again

July 2015. 

I'm back again. Ive had such a turbulent year and it doesn't seem to be getting better. I have to stay positive and not stress over every little thing. After an eleven day hospital stay (I did say I wanted a vacation but not a vacation like that!)  I have one answer and lots of unanswered questions. I feel as if my body is against me. I have a lot to be thankful but I can be sad because of everything that has been happening. I know things can be worse.

I am thankful for my parents support and information they provide me.

I wish I had a close friend to vent to. Mama and daddy hear everything but sometimes I need to tell someone else.

I hope I can have a good night sleep and a good day tomorrow.
