Monday, September 1, 2014

Begin Again.....

Its September 1st. The unofficial close of the summer. This was the summer that wasn't. I didn't get to the beach, a baseball game, a carnival, a special event. I didn't see fireworks, the city nor explore Atlantic city. It was a sad excuse for the summer.

I was diagnosed with Chrons Disease, a chronic disease that affects my GI tract. [I sure do win the great diseases, let me tell you. ] I spent the summer trying to figure out that I really wasn't crazy and I was really sick. After fainting for the third time, I KNEW I needed to see a doctor. Dr. B has been great and he has been right about what he thinks is going on with me. It is very frustrating.

I feel that I need to change some things in my life. Its not like I am doing terrible things but this diagnosis has opened my eyes. I need to start doing things that make me happy; make me less stressed and enjoy life. I know this is not life ending but to me, I need to start really living life.

Earlier in the year, I was a bump on the log all I was doing was working. I wasn't happy. I started painting in the spring and that slowly started to make me happier. I took up yoga for a short time before my anemia and chrons started acting up. I was sleeping so much because my iron count was SO LOW. My social life was almost non existant, a went on a few dates but nothing was real- there was no spark. I want a spark- is that so hard to get?! Apparently!

Its September, fall is starting and I have a new outlook on life so I am beginning again, again.

I want to come back to this blog, I missed you. It keeps me accountable, and it lets me document life, since I am not taking photos of my everyday life.

I have no idea who reads this- (Hi everyone! nice to meet ya!) but whoever you are, thanks!

Let me officially start this off by introducting myself and giving you a sneak peak into my life:

Name: Gabrielle or Elle for short
Location: the beautiful Jersey Shore (yes where Jersey Shore was filmed but I am nothing like them!)
Occupation: Paralegal and Hostess
Age: 26.7
Likes: Bright colors, creativity, people watching, the local summer, family, memories, photos, and reading, to do lists, productivity, organization and home décor.
Dislikes: liars, smokers, fake people, unorganized people and drugs.
Hobbies: painting, people watching, golf, reading, relaxing.

I am excited to start writing again and I am excited to have you along for the ride.

Have a great night.

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