Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Back at it again

Hi Hi Hi!!! Hello Blogsphere.... I have missed you all dearly!

It's November and after a long break--- I think I am ready to jump back into the blogging world. I know I briefly blogged for a little in September with Bailey's Blogtember challenges but I really want to blog more intentionally and have this act as my journal of some sorts--- a place to keep memories and experiences.

I guess its only proper if I fill you in on what I have been up to the past few months. I think the best way is through photos; I love capturing everyday moments, things that excite me or  I think are beautiful. Snapshots of everyday life that I want to remember.

 everyday life
courtroom / best message ever / grilling in the rain / neon
office styling / flamingos / bunnies / patterns
sweet surprises / target for the win / office snow / new art friend
drips and drops / flowers/ dots
pineapple / flamingos/ mermaid
after the dentist / 42 balloons in my car / Dylan Scott
B&N / Sporting Goods Store / Elevator
Colorful Skies
Big moon / sunset / Island Heights
Seaside Bridge / Point Pleasant / Back Bays
Morning Runs / Latitudes / Day

Water Street views 
Toms River Dining
The past few months have been rough but I have always loved looking back on my camera roll and seeing the images I capture. Life isn't always perfect but I always try to look for the good in each day. 

I found this quote really inspiring, just at the perfect moment when I needed it . I hope this can help someone going through a rough time.

My intention for this month is to blog more and to enjoy it. I am excited to try to share more this month. Stay tune for my November Goals.