Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Crumbs (Gluten Free) Bake Shop


That jibberish is my excitement that CRUMBS, delciously yummy bakery, opened an exclusive GLUTEN FREE bakery in NYC. This makes me want to jump on the next bus to NYC and go and find this place and eat as much as I can and then head back home with goodies in hand. The best part of this bakery- its Gluten AND Peanut free.

Anyone want to come along?!

The EX files

My Wednesday morning has been quite one for the record books:

I got a virus on my computer about a week ago but my computer overall was running fine until I realized I couldn't get my work email. I reluctantly called IT to see if they can help me. The IT guy I spoke to on the phone said he couldnt find my computer on the network- UH OH! He couldnt come down today but he would be down in the morning. I cringed not because i did somthing wrong (well I did ) but one of my ex boyfriends just so happens to be the IT guy for my office.

I know what you are thinking right now- YOU just broke the cardinal rule, DO NOT date anyone in the office. Right, it sounded liked the best idea at the time but when we broke up, I knew I was forever screwed.

Well, to my shock, HE appeared at my cubicle this morning and I told him I broke it. I awkwardly got up and scooted around he took my seat and got to work. I said to myself I wasn't going to have this be awkward and I started small talk.

"I really broke it didn't I?!"
"Oh Sugar"

I asked him how his house was going ( he bought one just before we broke up) and how his parents were blah blah blah........

After a while, I realized some things, never changed. I say this because he acted in the same manner as he was right before we broke up. Now I have never run into an ex or even a guy I went on a couple of dates with and I didnt know what to expect.

This affirmed that we broke up for the right reasons.

Sometimes God, works in funny ways.

XX the everyday jersey girl.

Exciting Happenings....

I cannot really go into detail about it right this moment, BUT Exciting things are brewing with my career.Things that I have been praying a lot lately and trying to be patient with His plans and I know its hard. It is finally paying off. The right people are seeing my good work and my hard work hasn't gone unnoticed. I am beyond THANKFUL and feeling very blessed right now because of it. Grandma is surely watching over me and making sure all my prayers are being answered!
XX the everyday jersey girl
Is anything exciting happening right now in your career?
Are your prayers being answered?

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

What Not To Wear....

I usually get my clothes together on the weekend, iron all the pieces and hang them on my rolling rack but since Mother Nature has been so unpredictable, I wake up in the morning not knowing what to wear. As I was brushing my teeth this morning, I came up with this outfit. I wore the top portion (jacket and shirt) and the shoes to dinner with my parents with a pair a jeans a couple of weeks ago. It was very cute and casual. I imagined in my head this outfit transferring seemlessly to work wear but after looking through the photos from this morning, I feel as if I look messy today. It's as if I got dressed in the dark and I do not like it at all. I guess I can blame it on Mother Nature and try harder tomorrow.
Pants: Ann Taylor Loft
Shirt: Lilly Pulitzer
Jacket: Kohl's
Necklace: ILY Couture
Shoes: Nine West

Monday, October 7, 2013

Happy Monday!

Oh Monday, you always come too fast after a great weekend. I am happy to start this week and I woke up at 5:30 ready to start my day! (I know, crazy! but I take a long time to get ready!)

5 Things for Monday
1. There is a TORNADO WATCH for OCEAN COUNTY today! From just watching the wind whip the trees around outside- I am afraid of going outside today!
2. I think it's finally time for me to give up the search on the 3.1 Philip Lim for Target Tote with Gusset in Black. I have been to FOUR different Target's in the area and to no avil there are none to be found. It's such a pretty bag.  As much as I would love to add this to my collection, It just isn't going to happen.
 It's just a pretty bag that I am in Love with. It is as elusive as trying to find a boyfriend in my case.
3. Being a Maid of Honor, for Biff's wedding is kinda really important, I am starting to realize real quick, as I mentioned in other posts (LIST POSTS) It's funny, I feel as if I would be the last person to pick for this job. I'm organized but this is someone's wedding! I will keep you updated on it.
4.I need to fix my printer that has been out of serivce since maybe the beinning of the Summer! There are so many cute outfits I find from my fellow bloggers that I would love to print out and put into my look book but I just can't.
5. Lux hit 300 miles over the weekend! Yes I did just get Lux 11 days ago and I have been driving non stop it feels but its so darn comfortable to drive how could i resist. ( I got Lux with 28 miles on it.)

What I am Reading:
 Currently I have been reading Quiet Influence by Jennifer Kahnweiler PhD. I thought it would be intersting learning how introverts can be effective in mangement positions. I typically relate to more introverts than extroverts just because i need time to recharge my batteries after being with a large group of people for a long amount of time and for other reasons too. I've only just started reading it and it seems it will keep my attention for a bit.

Noteable quote:
     " I believe with all my heart, that if you treat little things like they are big things, the mundane thlike they are all the miraculous, the tiny detail like they are the big picture, your life will be infinitely better. Start slow and try it. Notice more, See more, Appriciate more. You will find out. " Tyler Knott on Instagram today..

Does anyone have exciting plans for this week?

XX, the everyday jersey girl

Saying yes..... To myself

I am the lucky girl who the Maid of Honor for my best friends wedding. I am so happy she is getting married but I have to admit, being a single girl planning her best friends wedding, feels almost like I'm trapped in a romantic comedy. I should be falling for the best man the moment I see him right? (Spoiler alert: he's already married ) I love my best friend and her fiancĂ©e so much but I feel like I'm the third wheel permanently. You know, always the maid of honor never the bride. Now I'm not complaining, what so ever but it's awkward. 

I have had boyfriends in the past- though they have only lasted   Maybe 3 months maximum ( I am still trying to figure out why...) and I have tried online dating (on multiple occasions), dating co-workers(not advisable especially if he is the IT guy :/), meeting through friends (rarely works) and yet I haven't found any man to stick around long enough. I am starting to think there is something wrong with me. I know! I actually have my shit together and apparently that scares the crap outta men. Why do the girls always have to be the damsel in distress- we can take care of ourselves (sometimes)! We like the idea of the Prince coming to rescue the girl and they live happily ever after- when does that ever really happen besides with Prince William and Kate Middleton?? ( So jealous of these two and so envious of Kate Middleton's closet and life!!!!) (who doesn't right?) 

After this last breakup, I swore I wasn't going to go back on the dating websites because 1. It's god awful; 2. I constantly find boys I have already met in real life and 3. It's getting really REALLY old. But atlas, I did go back and yes, the pickings are slim. I am not even entertaining the idea of actually going out with any of these eligibable batcholers. Its that bad.

My whole point is normally when a boyfriend break up with me, I usually end up taking up a new hobby or refinding a lost one. When the IT guy broke up with me in February, I signed up for golf lessons. When the body builder broke up with me in May, I found the teacher quickly and started dating him (I guess you can call a hobby of mine, dating) and When  the teacher broke up with me in September, I started painting and crafting again (hard core). I guess I like these distractions to keep me from dwelling on my current heartbreak.

For the first time in almost 20 months, I have real no desire to date anyone, to go out on dates and talk about the same thing with 20 guys and pretend I am interested.I have been on this 'dating spree' for the last 2 years and I am EXHAUSTED. Dating is quite exhuasting and it doesn't help that a crapload of my friends are getting engaged and I'm still the single girl-that title is a love/hate relationship with me. I am excited to work on me and see where my hobbies and interests take me.

So I am finally saying YES to myself and to take time and do things I want to do and not pretend to like anything I don't want to do.

XX, the everyday jersey girl

Sunday, October 6, 2013

always the maid, never the bride

I was honored when my best friend picked me as the Maid of Honor but its becoming more and more clear, this is a really hard job that I am not getting paid for. Dealing with 7 other ‘maids is a huge task when I am an only child and I tend to shy away from large groups. I don’t know what I am doing what so ever. and its freaking me out and its causing me stress which in turn is making my exczma flair up once again. I am in over my head once again. This isnt good. I love the bride but she is hard to get in contact with and she doesn’t really set plans down. This irritates me very much. We didn’t even get to the engagement party and I am about to scream. Between my mother saying to me having  such a big wedding is a mistake and having children in the wedding is such a mistake to the grooms mother  suggesting a place for a bridal shower I cannot afford. I don’t know what to do.

AHHH what is a girl to do?!?!!

Friday, October 4, 2013

I try so darn hard.......

I try so hard, each and every day to write a blog post, because I know even though, I dont have a lot of traffic on my blog, there might just be that ONE person interested right now on whats going on in my life. But alas, something prevents me from sitting down and writing my day to day antics out. I am partially upset with myself and partially upset with the fact, I have been so darn tired every day after work. '

I started the blog, originally because I read/skim through a bunch of blogs daily, and I admire what they are doing. They make everything look so effortless and easy. I want to imitate what they are doing (everyone knows that imitation is the most sincere form of flattery) but I want to put my own twists and spins on things. I want to show off my cute outfits to more people other than my Instagram followers and my co-workers (which I really don't think they enjoy that much!) and I always felt that a blogging community would be the best place but at the end of day, I'm tired and cranky (somedays) and blogging is the last thing on my mind.

Its a new month, October, and I will try my hardest, to blog more and not be so worried about who and if anyone is actually reading this.

Off to find a quote to be describe the bride aka my biff aka my best friend. EEK!

XX, the everyday jersey girl.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

September's Look Book

September's Looks.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Red Ribbons....

Meet Lux.
 This is my new car.

My parents also bought a car too!

This has been an interest, crazy, fun, frustrating, exciting week.

I cannot wait to drive and experience all Lux has to offer!

As per Italian traditions, Momma and I tied red ribbons around the steering wheel to ward off any bad spirits and to bring good luck to the driver

XX, the everyday jersey girl

Friday, September 20, 2013

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

blog hopping?

trying something new today. Happy Wednesday everyone
The Hump Day Blog Hop

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Dating advice from a male co-worker

This is what you have to do: 

Get all dressed up, go to red bank, find the most expensive martini bar and that is where you will find a great man. 

Mo-Co is where it's at. You follow the money, you'll find a great man. 

Thanks g! I already tried that one and my track record isn't that great (one moved more north and one passed away [rip bb]) I know I don't belong  in Oc-Co but I'm trying my hardest to make it work. 

I wish finding a great man wasn't so hard 

XX the everyday jersey girl

Baby, it's cold outside!

BRRR! As I walked outside to my car, I was hit with the cold weather that has made an early appearance in New Jersey. I am very grateful that fall is finally here, but I was hoping to ease into it a little more slowly. New Jersey weather is always funny and some days I have no idea how to dress, but today I wasn't expecting it to be THIS cold!

I really wanted to be more consistant with my blogging but sometimes life gets in the way, and by life I mean, I get really tired at night and all I want is my bed. I am going to try to make a more conscience effort to blog more regularly.

It's 8:30 am, I have my first tall glass of water and I am off to catch up on my favorite blogs. I am also eagerly awaiting 1:00pm because that is not only my lunch but I am treating myself to a delicious gluten free pizza down the street from my office.

XX, the everyday jersey girl

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Bridal Expos

She caught the bouquet at the bridal show 
My nephew has gotten soon big!! 
Outfit of the day. 

Friday, September 13, 2013

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Stronger than Anything....

Oh Seaside Heights, you have been having a hard year. You are strong and we will rebuild.   
Here is a buzzfeed article about the boardwalk blaze. 

We got through Sandy and we will get through this. Lots of memories of Seaside- at least the memories never fade, though the places may change. 

XX, the everyday jersey girl 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Resilient and Strong

Today is September 11, today always makes me a little sad and I carry around a heavy heart all day. I try to be patriotic and see how far we have come since then, but those events that day, are clear as a bell in my mind. It was a scary day for America and I think its still very much a reality for most people living in America.  I was terrified that day. The photo above is from a book, In the Line of Duty, I found in December 2011 and I wasn't expecting to find this person, this person I've known my whole life, in a book about one of the scariest days that America expienced and he was there- My dad. At the time, he was a Captain in a North Jersey Fire Department. The fire department was his life, he was so proud that he was a firefighter and he loved his job.I am so proud of him. He promised when I finally spoke to him, that he was only on top of the rubble and he was never underneath and that he was okay.This photo, kinda proves that he was underneath the rubble.  My dad was only trying to protect me and not have me worry. I have never been prouder of him in that photo.

I wrote this two years ago and posted it on my tumblr and I think it still rings true today:

they save us. who saves them?

 this first part of this post was written on August 18th after an episode of Rescue Me. )

Every Wednesday, I try to watch Rescue Me. If you havent see it, its a show (fitictious) about the FDNY and their day to day lives working as firefighters. Now this show has been on tv for 7 seasons and I have tried to watch them all and sometimes, it was hard to watch the episodes due to the raw content, and not because there were scenes of death and bad injury but because my father is a firefighter. He has been a firefighter, Captain, Battalion Chief my whole life. He loves what he does but he rarely tells what exactly he does. Yes he would come home from his 24 hour shift, saying the funny stories from the previous shift and if he went on a run for careless cooking or someones cat was stuck in a tree but he never really told me, maybe he told my mom, the real stuff he did- running into the building first to search for surviors or other things that he didnt want to worry me with. The point is, I never really knew what he really did.
I never fully understood what the job of a firefighter was until Rescue Me came out. This show is raw, and unforgiving and gave me an insight of what firefighters actually do. Maybe its dramatized for tv or blown out of proportion but it gave me something to see and say, oh thats what my dad does for a living.
When I was little, I remember when my dad came home, my mom and my dad would sit in the kitchen, drinking their coffee and talking about the past shift. As I got older, I sat with them sans coffee and listened. He ususally gave me the watered down version and when I got bored listening to every (boring) detail about his day, I left and then he would give my mom the real story- what really happened at 432 Smith Street or who had to go to the hospital after receiving attention at the ReHab tent at that 4 alarm last night. I got smarter and decided to listen sometimes to the stories from the hallway. Not until a couple of years ago, when I was away at college, I really started to realize the danger firefighters put themselves into.

The point of all this rambling- Last nights episode really hit me hard. Rescue Me is having their series finale on September 7th and fitting its right before the 10th Anniversey of September 11. The Chief spoke about how heroes arent remember by making walls and monmouments (which I think is a good way of remembering heroes) but they are remembered by speaking about them, telling their stories of heroism and why they left such a lasting impression on you. The Chief spoke about the Vietnam War and how he recieved a letter from the wife of one his men that served under him. Then the Chief spoke about what those firefighters were thinking on the morning of September 11 right before they rushed downtown to do what they were trained to do-save the public. What were those brave and fearless firefighters thinking, writing letters to their loved ones that in the back of their minds they knew they would never see again?

Today is September 11th, and I still think what were those people thinking when they were calling their loved ones to say their last goodbye? What was going through their minds? Watching the documentries and other tv programs about September 11th is like reliving that day over and over again. The huge question that looms over everyones head is “Where were you on Septemeber 11, 2001?” Everyone remember exactly where they were, who they were with and what they saw.
I was in Ms. Stankovich’s 8th Grade Science Class. I was sitting at the lab table inbetween Jacob Stueber and Erin Stewart. It was right after gym class for me and someone ran into the class room and told Ms. Stankovich to put the tv on, something had happened. As she turned the TV on, we saw flames and smoke pouring out of one of the World Trade Towers. I didnt believe it, I didnt understand it then the whole class witnessed something that looked to be out of a horror movie- We saw the second plane fly right into the other Tower. I was 13 at the time and at that moment my world closed in and I remember thinking what is next?! Erin Stewart saw I was upset and said to me” why are you so worried? We are so far away from there, nothing will happen.” I knew something would happen but I hoped it didnt.
When I arrived home later that day, I didnt see my dad’s car in the usual spot in the drive way. My worst fear came true. My father, a Fire Captain, was in Northern NJ waiting to be deployed to help with the rescue detail at Ground Zero. My mom didnt even have to say it, I knew he was in North Jersey. I think I talked to him later that night; I was trying to be brave and strong but inside I was so worried. I don’t remember exactly how long my father was gone for but I do remember him coming home. He looked like a ghost, still covered in grey dust, with a look on his face that was like no other I had ever seen. He didnt talk about what he did nor did he want to. I was happy to have him home, safe and sound.
Not till years later, has the effect of September 11th really hit me. The internet has let me have my hands on thousands of videos, personal stories, offical reports and millions of photos. The photos most of them are burned into my memory because I saw them live, and uncut. Still they all bring tears to my eyes looking at them. One of the hardest hitting images that I cannot seem to fully understand is a video clip (recently I saw it in 102 minutes that changed America) that you see the smoke from the collpase of one of the towers and you see a fire truck, filled with firefighters speeding into the unknown and you see them dissappear into the dust and smoke and you know that they were probably never seen again.
After watching a documentary entitled “9/11”, it gave me a chilling look into the lives of firefighters who were practically the first responders to the scene. They filmed when the first tower fell and what happend afterwards and it was unconcievable that these firefighters were still living. It was an inspring look into the lives of firefighter and how they are trained to do exactly what they did on September 11th- rescue people.That is what firefighters do. That is their lively hood.

America is resilient, strong and proud. We got through this and we can get through anything else.

XX, the everyday jersey girl

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Lots to say.....

Five Things That Happened Today:
  1. We were CRAZY busy today. My office is one of the busiest, i totally understand that but today the people that were coming in, were CRAZY. We were short staffed and I had a headache the size of Montana today which means its the perfect recipe for craziness. We got through the day, with only a few hiccups but I can only be thankful for having a job and being happy to go to my job. (My Photo of the day: Curious George kept reminding me to breathe and just take your time. People were thankful that I was so pleasant to them even if i didn't feel well. )
  2. I don't know if anyone else noticed but it's SEPTEMBER and its HUMID and HOT out. Me no gusto! I decided to forgo my lunchtime walk because of the weather. Stepping outside at 5pm to walk to the parking garage with C, I was over come with the humidity that was waiting for us outside.Tomorrow is supposed to be even HOTTER! EEK, Mother Nature can you cool the weather off because I have some cute fall outfits to wear!
  3. Since I eat Gluten Free, my tastes change probably weekly- I will eat something one week and fall completely in love with it and eat it for the rest of the week and then the next week will come and I hate it. My mother especially hates this due to the fact that she doesn't like seeing me not being able to eat a lot so when I do find something that I show some interest in, she likes to stock up. Luckily I will re-like the same item again in a week. Its odd and I cannot explain it to anyone who doesn't eat gluten free for allergy reasons. The whole point of my story is that I found such good fruit snacks. They just so happen to be Kellogg's Disney Princess ones too! I probably will hate them in a week but for now, they make me happy.
  4. On my sorta relaxing lunch break, I decided to finally dive into the Ladies Home Journal Magazine that I received in the mail the other day. One of the articles was entitled: "All By Myself: Why Alone Time is Good For You" I was so excited to read this because I try to tell people about this ALL the time! Since being an only child, I am used to being alone and occupying myself.As I've grown up, I feel like I have become more independent in the sense of going places by myself, eating lunch or dinner alone in public, exploring new things and my favorite, people watching. You should try it sometime, being alone and being alone means without your smart phone too!
  5. I am thinking about September 11th a lot lately and since tomorrow is September 11th, I will have a heavy heart for all that lost their lives in the heartless attacks on America.I cannot believe its been 12 years already!
What Am I Thinking:
  • How should I start this book I am writing?
  • What should I be for Halloween this year?
  • Did my paycheck get deposited yet?
  • How excited I am to see E on Thursday and possibly Ms. S
  • How excited I am to start this crazy adventure with A and her road to getting married.
  • Am I really going to complete what's on my to do list tonight?
What's on my To Do List Tonight
  • Clean up memo board
  • Put receipts away orderly
  • Look through bookcase
  • Read
Notable Quote :

"Like the caterpillar, have faith in the extraordinary." from E's facebook status update tonight.


the everyday jersey girl 

ps. While I was typing this, I was multitasking and I finally painted my nails- white- I like to mix things up. =D

Monday, September 9, 2013

Stuck in a rut?

Photo of the Day
Outfit of the Day

Oh Monday......This is my first full week (aka working 5 days in a row) since the end of JUNE!! This might be a little tough for me! 

Five Things That Happened Today:
  1. On my drive home, I saw trees starting to turn from green to a pretty burnt orange.
  2.  I got my butt to the gym after work which wasn't as terrible as I thought and The October Issue of Architectural Digest was waiting for me(as usual). I am quite excited that I get to relax for the rest of my night.
  3.  B and I went on a walk on lunch today and we observed a lot of things which included: Jurors on lunch break, a beautiful retention wall that was made out of these pretty blocks in front of a house (but unfortunately it didn't match the house itself)
  4. It flew by due to the sheer volume of people that came into our office today. I swear I looked at the clock at 8:35 and then I blinked and it was 11:50. I love these kind of days 
  5.  It actually felt like fall today- the air was nice and crisp this morning and then on my afternoon walk with B, it was nice and cool, no humidity which made me happy. 

What I am Reading Currently:
  On my night stand is a smorgasboard of books that i got from the library last week:
  •  Pinterest Power
  • Going Social
  • Huffington Post Blogging
  • Finerman's Rules
  • HTML
  • Socialomics 
Each night I try to read a chapter here and a chapter there in what ever books look good to me that evening.

What I am Watching:
   Cops on Spike TV. I don't watch a lot of tv, yet whenever there is a Cops marathon on, I have to put it on, even for background noise. I think I've seen most of these episodes, since they re run them at ad nauseum. My favorites are the Jersey Cops, just because.

Notable Quote for Today:
Work hard in Silence, Let your success be your noise.-Frank Ocean 

XX, the everyday jersey girl 

Ps. The reason for the title is that my parents and I tend to hold on to things for probably way too long (ie. We have never moved, our cars are 5+ years older but in amazing condition, clothes, etc) and my dad has been toying around with getting a new truck and for a long time, I've been feeling over my car. It was cute at the time but now at 25, I'm over it. I would like something a little more grown up. My parents and I, over dinner talked about this rut  we get stuck in and we are going to work to try to figure out if we can REFRESH our lives and maybe switch things up and get a new car. Food for thought I guess.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

My oh My!

My oh my, what a week this has been.....

I am happy that the week is over and grateful for a new week to start. 

I have found my creativity again, which makes me happy and sad. 

I am happy I can be creative, painting, doodling, baking, jewelry making- I even opened my open Etsy shop too: Handmade by Gabrielle7!

The sad part is that it always takes a boyfriend breaking up with me, to find my creativity. I had high hopes for this boy too but alas, he ended it, and I was left crushed, heartbroken and with a bunch of unanswered questions that he would never answer. I am a strong person and I will get through this little hiccup in my life, as I always do. 

I am eager for this week to start, I have some plans, some ideas and new projects I would like to start this week. 

My to-do list this weekend was pretty packed solid, and I was happy to finish most of it, some of the things (reorganizing my extra closet in my room or cleaning out my nightstand) were just too large for this weekend, and I wanted to enjoy some of the beautiful weather.

New Jersey sure has been trying to hold on to the summer still- with it being so hot out! 

Goals for the week:
*Get to the gym twice
*Dinner and Catch up with Emily
*Read each night
*Try a new craft

Breathe.You can accomplish anything you set your mind to. 


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Blogtember day one.

 Tuesday, Sept. 3: 
Describe where or what you come from. The people, the places, and/or the factors that make up who you are.

Where I come from.....hmm. This is an interest top for my first post since I come from the World Famous Jersey Shore. MY  Jersey Shore feels so much different than what is always on MTV or the news. Yes we did get hit really hard by Superstorm Sandy and some of us are still recovering but mostly, my jersey shore is back to what I always remember. Having been here, for 25 years, I have see a lot of changes to my small town and the area around us. I like to think I come from small town America, having the local farmer sell tomatoes out of his garage and the workers at the  local library all knew my name by the age of 3. I like that our small town has lakes and we are just a half hour away from all of the craziness that the JERSEY SHORE has to offer. I like that three towns over has a boardwalk along the Barnegat Bay and a two story gazebo, that offers amazing views of the Seaside Bridge. I enjoy the little beach towns that have  the 5 and 10 stores that seem to be forgotten in time. The way the air smells amazing as you are going over the bridge to the "Island". The way it felt winning that prize on the boardwalk that you were eyeing up all summer; My Jersey Shore is quiet in the winter, where the locals are the only ones around and the lights just blink yellow because of the traffic is basically non existent. I love the way the beach looks after a snow fall- seeing sand, snow and the ocean all in one place is basically the coolest thing I love to brag about. 

My town everyone mostly knows everyone else, or has seen them around town enough to recognize an outsider. The little late night diners are always filled with high school kids and the 4th of July fireworks at the high school is a who's who in town. The Memorial Day parade is tiny but one of the charms, I like to think that no one else really has anymore- Honoring the veterans that have, are and willing to serve. It makes me feel like I am in Small Town USA.

I think this town, for me at least, growing up acted as a bubble, which was good and bad. My grandparents bought a summer house back in the 50's and I loved going over to that house and that house had some much love it in. I always remembered where grandma hid the smartees (in the front room, 1st door on the bottom right in the ginormous china cabinet. ), where she kept the pokeno cards and chips (sliding doors in the back living room. I slammed my fingers so many times as a little kid in those doors) and where she kept the canister of sugar which i used to eat by the handful, hiding in the bathroom (which years later i found out that she always had ants in that bathroom but never knew why! oops! sorry grandma!) My memories are countless in the house and everyday I miss my grandparents more and more.

My town is quirky, small and sometimes boring but I wouldn't grow up anywhere else!

Hello new readers. 

Who is the everyday jersey girl?
The everyday jersey girl is twenty five year old who grew up on the World Famous Jersey Shore. She is nothing like the stigma of the Jersey Shore that is portrayed on TV. Her hobbies are but never limited to knitting, crafting,  mini golf, and picking out pretty color swatches at the local hardware store. 
The everyday jersey girl loves bright colors, giggling, her parents, her teddy bear, moose, silly jokes,  handwritten thank you notes,  snail mail, surprises and nice wrist watches.
The everyday jersey girl makes lists for absolutely everything, considers all the possibilities before attempting anything new, makes weekend plans with her boyfriend on Sunday evening and plans next weeks outfits on Wednesday. 
The everyday jersey girl is not your typical girl- she skips to work, she wears bright colors when the rest of the world is wearing dark colors. 
The everyday jersey girl blurts out random thoughts, giggles at (sometimes) awkward times and loves life. 
I am the everyday normal girl who can anyone can relate to, she is bright, curious and hopeful.I am the everyday jersey girl and I'm Gabrielle.

This blog is for the everyday jersey girl to keep everything that she loves in one place- daily fashion, daily photos, daily ramblings, color palettes, attempts on crafts found on pinterest and of course, my life's journey, where ever that might take me.

Its the early days of September and I wanted to do something fun, hence the new blog. I post my photos to Instagram and my tumblr but I never really had anywhere I could talk about my daily ramblings, my affordable fashion advice while working full time and the adventures (sometimes misadventures) of my crafting journey. This shall be an adventure and I am curious as always to see where it takes me.